K2 Processes contains
Activities and Events. Rules are build around these to ensure that business
logic is applied. Activities are important components in a process
because they are points in the process where decisions are made, data delivery
takes place and actions go into effect. An activity within a process will
contain one or more events.
Business logic includes the
following concepts:
1. Who or what service is
2. Are there prerequisites to be
For the above decisions to be
made rules logic is required to evaluate the conditions set out by the process,
activity and event and determine the course of action to take based on
what they are. The rules logic is facilitated by the Process, Activity and
Event Rules; they represent the means with which business logic is implemented
in the process. This section provides an overview of the Rules that are
available to create business logic for a process.
Process Start Rule:
The Process Start Rule is used
to create custom process Start rules using the Process Start
Rule wizard.
Process Finish Rule:
The Process Finish Rule is used
to create custom process Finish rules using the Process Finish
Rule wizard.
Exception Rule:
The Exception Rule provides exception
management within a process. Exceptions can be incorporated within the
process Start and Finish rules, or created for Line rules and Activities.
Preceding Rule:
The Preceding Rule is a logical
expression that evaluates a set of conditions. When evaluated to True, the
Activity is allowed to start.
Start Rule:
The Activity Start Rule is time based and
determines when the Activity can start.
When the Activity requires human
interaction, a Destination User (Process Participant) is specified. The
destination User or User Groups is allocated permissions to Action the Activity.
Escalation Rule:
The time taken to Action the Activity can
be regulated using the Escalation rule. This rule will allocate a user
configurable time to Action the Activity before an Escalation comes into effect.
Line Rule:
The Line Rule is the logical navigation
system that determines the route within the process to follow as the process
Succeeding Rule:
Succeeding Rule is a logical expression that when evaluated to true, allows the
Activity to complete.
The following diagram shows the
components that can be used with a K2 Process
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